The plot had two uses in the past (till the 60's), on the terraces to the west where it is more protected from the wind, they used to cultivate wheat, and on the most exposed north part, they constructed the small stone stables to keep the domestic animals, mainly goats, sheep, few cattle and maybe a pig or two. In order to feed the animals they also used the buildings for storage of threshed grain. They also constructed an extra room for their own use, a small shelter from the north winds, where they made a fire and kept warm. This is the use of the upper stone house, which has the house shelter and next door the sheep or goat stable.
The upper stone house
The upper stone house combined with a small stable |
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In the upper Stone house we found remains of plaster at the walls and a small fire place build in to the corner of the wall. So we assume that at certain times people were staying there for a short period of time. This was common practice on the island because the villagers, in order to produce enough food, had to develop fields far from the settlement. In order to work effectively and not loosing too much time by moving between the village and the fields they moved for certain periods of the year to the fields. The small Stone house as you can see from the drawings was a very basic shelter.
The big stone stable
Big Stone stable |
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The Big stone stable seems to be build in different phases and was extended during the years. The roof construction of the cubic room is special and not often found on Tinos. In the middle of the room there is a pylon, that reduces the space between the load bearing walls, in order to place the big flagstones in a circular arrangement.
The extension of the big stable
Upper extension of the big stable
The stables are always constructed on a rocky foundation due to the lack of concrete at the time. So this extension is about 1,5m higher than the big stable but never the less the two buildings share one wall. In the front of the pictures there are the remains of a circular structure in the ground that was used for wheat threshing with the help of a cow or mule.
The small stone stable
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